What Homeowners Wish They Had Known About Installing Fake Grass 

What Homeowners Wish They Had Known About Installing Fake Grass

The benefits of artificial grass have been well documented and revealed over the years. But when it comes to planting fake grass, you should have all the facts. There are some things that you want homeowners to switch to before they know about the installation of fake grass Brisbane. This guide will assist you avoid any confusion or problems that may come up during the installation of your artificial Lawn.

Initial work is involved

Before we install your new artificial grass, the old grass should be finished. Then the soil should be properly prepared. While it may seem straightforward, removing existing sod is a lot of work and time consuming. Most professional landscaping companies that work with artificial turf can complete a project in two or three days, depending on the amount of grass, the size of their crew, and what they plan to remove. How to contact

Once the old grass has moved, the soil should be rotated and smoothed to remove any humps or humps. Then the next phase of the project can start.


Planting fake grass is not difficult, but it does not happen overnight. For example, planting 1500 square feet of artificial grass can take 2 to 4 days. The number of people working on the project, their level of experience and the weather all affect how long the installation will take.

Accurate measurements must be made, and the grass must be carefully trimmed to fit so that there are no sticky edges. Ideally, the installation of fake grass Brisbane should be done when the temperature is above 50 F. In cold weather, this can eliminate morning work, which can increase the overall installation time. If everything goes smoothly, your new lawn will be ready in a few days.


The last thing you need is an installation contractor that messes up and runs away. You can be sure that this will not happen with our Heavenly Greens Professional Installers. Once your project is complete, we will properly remove and dispose of any remaining turf. And we’ll leave your yard to invite at least as much as it was before we arrived at the scene.

One thing to keep in mind though. The worst part of our job is to get rid of the existing sod. If the weather is too dry, this process will inevitably lead to dust. We do everything we can to minimize this, but if conditions are dry during your installation, you may want to keep your windows closed.

Total cost

Artificial grass cultivation is an investment. When you first see the price tag, it looks expensive. But you have to think long term, like you do with any big investment. You will have only modest maintenance costs, and you can repay the initial cost of artificial grass for many years that you will be happy to keep. It converts your core expenses into better investments that offer undeniable financial and operational returns.

Your landscaping gets pretty upgraded. You get less yard work. The value of your property increases, thanks to its improved curb appeal and lack of future maintenance. Studies have shown that homes with artificial grass not only fetch a higher price, they sell faster than homes with maintenance-intensive natural grass lawns. And why not? What potential home buyer wouldn’t be excited about a better-looking yard that requires less work?

In the meantime, figuring out what it takes to set up your new fake grass Brisbane will make the process go exactly as expected. Nice grass, by the way!

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