What to Do if Your Artificial Grass Is Sprayed by a Skunk

What to Do if Your Artificial Grass Is Sprayed by a Skunk | Auzzie Turf

Skunks. They’re cute little things, but they’re the last creatures you want to entertain on your Best Artificial Grass! When they are startled or irritated by something — whether it is your children, your dog, or something else – their natural reaction is to spray. They can shoot that dreaded spray up to 10 feet, and we all know how bad the smell is. What if it gets on your fake grass? Is your lawn condemned to stink for the rest of your life?

No, thank goodness. You can clean and deodorize your artificial turf by following a few simple procedures. But, whichever remedy you choose, don’t put it off any longer!

Artificial grass for pets is already skunk-resistant

Artificial Grass Bunnings offers items specifically designed for dogs among our various choices of grass. Dogs, in particular, frequently use the grass as a pee area, therefore pet-friendly turf is engineered to efficiently drain urine and repel smells. If you get this sort of grass placed, you will be ahead of the game if a skunk attacks. But you’re not out of the woods yet, so keep reading for solutions that will get rid of even the most potent skunk odor from your yard.

Tomato juice is effective

The acid in tomato juice neutralizes the compounds in skunk spray that cause it to smell. However, unless only a tiny portion of your lawn is impacted, you’ll need far more tomato juice than you likely have on hand.

The Humane Society comes to the rescue

Because dogs are sometimes involved in tragic scuffles with skunks, the Humane Society recommends a home method for cleaning your artificial turf as well as your pup. Wear gloves and clothing that protects your arms and legs while working.

Combine the following ingredients:

1 gallon of 3% hydrogen peroxide (the kind you can buy at the grocery store or pharmacy)

1 teaspoon dishwashing liquid

14 cup bicarbonate of soda

How about even faster? Simply combine vinegar and water in a mixing bowl.

Gently rub the solution into the afflicted region, then thoroughly rinse with fresh water. Because peroxide is a kind of bleach, allowing the solution to sit on the lawn may cause harm. Top-quality artificial grass is extremely resistant to fading and stains of all kinds, but bleach is one of the rare exceptions if not rapidly rinsed away. If you use this deodorizing cleaning solution to bathe your dog, make sure to thoroughly rinse him.

Another word of caution: if the peroxide/baking soda solution is not used up while it is still fresh, it might explode. Rather than preserving leftovers, try to combine only as much as you’ll need and discard any leftovers right away.

Another approach is to use commercial deodorizers.

Simple Green makes an effective outdoor deodorizer that is safe for children, pets, and your lawn. You may also purchase a product called PE-51, which not only deodorizes but also makes your turf smell like newly cut grass. A better scent than eau de skunk any day.

Aside from skunks, things happen.

You’re unlikely to have to deal with the aftermath of a startled skunk. However, less heinous mistakes might occur in the course of regular life. While your artificial grass is designed to survive and withstand difficulties, understanding how to maintain it clean – or clear up an inadvertent disaster – can keep your lawn in peak shape for many years to come.

And if something happens that appears out of your control – or if you want to give your artificial grass a more thorough expert tune-up – simply give Artificial Grass Bunnings a call. Our objective is to keep your lawn looking lush and lush for many years to come.

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